Urban Art Blog – Sept Vol 2
Another update from Mr Pilgrim’s urban art blog taking in posts from facebook, twitter and google plus.
There has been an amazing and varied collection of street art this month with some great work from a great array of street artists. You can always catch up with the latest urban art blog posts on Mr Pilgrim’s google plus page or if you’re more of a traditionalist check out Mr Pilgrim on facebook!
Alice Pasquini in Bologna, Italy
DISCLAIMER: All images are copyrighted by their respective owners unless otherwise stated. None of the images in this blog are property of Mr Pilgrim unless stated otherwise. FOR PHOTO OWNERS: If it happens that you see your work posted here, and you don’t want it to be, and you want it removed/credited, please email using the contact me page. FOR OTHERS: If you see a photo/video that is not properly credited, and you know the real owner, or artist please let me know using the contact me page.
Discover the world of street art and great wall murals from the professionals who bring this amazing world to light at amazing sites such as Brooklyn Street Art and Street Art News.
I have two sons who are artists, one a muralist. They really enjoy your posts!?
Love to hear that Midwest Gardening! Glad people enjoy them as I love posting them! All the best?
Fabulous street art!?
You get some ill shots nice…!!!?
This is art. Respect.