Oil Painting for Sale by Mr Pilgrim
This original oil painting for sale online was inspired by a waking dream I had when I myself was in quite a dark place.
At the time I was focused on learning to paint in oils and the medium allowed me to quite accurately reproduce the image I had in my mind.
Painted in oils on a 23 x 30 cm canvas. All my artwork has a metal plaque attached to the back in addition to the proof of authenticity.
Price £125 + Delivery
“Black Heart” is available in Mr Pilgrim’s secure Etsy shop here : Black Heart Original Art
For FAQs about the ordering and returns process please see Mr Pilgrim’s buy art online page with additional links to all of his art for sale. All paintings and prints are securely packaged with adequate padding to ensure you receive them in pristine condition. If you like this piece please like on facebook! If you need more information or have any questions about any of my work contact me.